Monday, May 28, 2012

The New Justice League

(counter clockwise from Left)

1. Right Dead Fred
2. The F.I.S.T
3. Pissed off Wonder Woman
4. Plastic Man
5 Pimp Strut Aquaman
6. Green Arrow
7. Depressed Superman
8. Batman

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Long ago a coworker of mine made it a habit of annoying people.

No, seriously, HE MADE IT A HABIT.  It was difficult to work with him and we were all happy the day he left.

Then he came back . . . .and annoyed us some more.

Ironically, he left again.  I didn't actually believe him until they came and took his computer away.  The above picture I made when I found out he was coming back.  It's funny how some things work